A and L’s Writing Contest


Hello Readers (and others),

We are Adalia and Leeya, the editors of our neighborhood magazine, A and L Magazine. We are two teenage girls who created this magazine because we wanted to provide entertainment and a source of community during the pandemic. Each edition comes out at the end of every month. Go to aandlmagazine.com to read previous editions and sign up for our monthly newsletter.

We are holding a non-fiction writing contest for readers and others. Please participate if you received this piece of paper. There is no age limit; however, don’t forget to add an age group so we know how to divide our contestants up. Feel free to share this with family and friends. The prompt is: Submit a short story explaining a memory that impacted your life the most. This memory can be either positive or negative.

You can hand-write this story or submit it digitally; however we would prefer it to be written digitally because of the convenience and ease of readability.

Please keep in mind, the story should be appropriate and written in less than two pages. Any text after two pages will be cut off and not shown to the judges. If submitting digitally, we would suggest size 12, Times New Roman font, submitted in a Google Doc to contact@aandlmagazine.com. Because this only works if you have a Google Account, you can submit your story digitally via this link instead: forms.gle/oNeyLtMv7EXYMFKCA

If you are unable to submit it digitally, please hand write it in an appropriate size and drop it in either Leeya or Adalia’s mailbox. If you don’t know where we live, email us to get the details about dropping it off. Please make sure it is legible. If not we will return it to be typed or written again.

We request that your name and form of contact (phone number or email) is included. This information will not be shared with the judges. It is encouraged to add your name to be shared with our readers as congratulations for your efforts; although it is not mandatory to add.

The deadline to submit your story is March 13th for both handwritten and digital stories. The top stories will be mentioned in the March addition and an anthology will be distributed or found on our website depending on the number of submissions.

The prize will be as follows:

  • For 1st place winner – You can choose an article or story topic for us to write about for one of our magazines (you can also choose to submit an article or story you have written). In addition, you will get your story read aloud on our YouTube channel and featured on our website.
  • For 2nd place winner – You can choose a Puns n’ Recipe, comic or tech tip idea (you may submit one that you have written or that you want us to write) or you can choose to submit a short poem that you have written. We will also read your story aloud on our YouTube channel and feature it on our website.
  • For 3rd place winner – We will read your story aloud on our YouTube channel and feature it on our website.
  • All top 3 winners stories will be put in the March edition.
  • Every participant’s work will be in the anthology and their names will be found in the March edition.

Lastly, if you would like to submit like a photo or drawing related to the story, you are welcome to do so digitally via our email: contact@aandlmagazine.com or the form link above. The photo will not be shown to the judges for fairness reasons; however we will see it and is just for our viewing pleasure.

*Please note: Our judges will be unbiased and judge the stories blindly. They will not know your name or see any pictures you have submitted. Our judges will be using the prompt on the back of this page to judge your stories; however they will not have seen the rubric or stories in advance. We (Adalia and Leeya) will just be putting all of the stories into a folder and giving them to our judges. We will be reading the stories in advance simply to check for legibility, appropriateness and if the story was submitted on time.

-Leeya and Adalia

Important Links to Remember:

You can email contact@aandlmagazine.com to submit your story.

Or fill our form at forms.gle/oNeyLtMv7EXYMFKCA to submit your story.