Virtual magazines

During the first summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, Leeya and Adalia were taking a walk when they saw their widowed neighbor out alone. As they talked to the neighbor, they learned about how isolated the pandemic was making her to feel. They decided to use the activity kits, Bored Boxes, they had been giving each other to create a larger, more meaningful project: a neighborhood magazine. Between August 2020 and August 2022, Adalia and Leeya wrote, printed and delivered seventeen magazine editions and over 300 printed copies. They wrote more than 450 pages of magazine material and interviewed 50 people from around the world. With topics ranging from the history of their neighborhood to the food cycle to how US history is taught in other countries, these editions have taught Leeya and Adalia lessons about the world, while broadening their connections to the local community.

Click on the magazine covers below to read each edition.

Issue 17: American Studies Abroad
Issue 14: Health and Wellness During COVID-19
Issue 12: Asian American Month
Issue 8: Black History Month
Issue 5: Giving Thanks
Issue 2: A Travel Back in Time
Issue 16: Leading: Women of Color
Issue 13: Anniversary Edition
Issue 10: Big Topics
Issue 7: Jobs and Occupations
Issue 4: All About Halloween
Issue 15: Reconstructing (Black History Month 2022)
Issue 12: Bringing Food to Life
Issue 9: Harbingers of Spring
Issue 6: The Art of Coziness
Issue 3: The Horror That Shocked America
Issue 1: The Last Drops of Summer