Black History Month Movie Reviews

Black history month is happening now, so we decided to look at some books, movies and quotes related to Black history to learn more!

*FEATURED* Based on Selma directed by Ava DuVernay

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 legally desegregated the South; however, discrimination was still very existent, making it extremely difficult for Blacks to register to vote. In 1965, an Alabama city became the battleground in the fight for suffrage. Selma, an amazing historical drama, perfectly paints out the Montgomery March that occurred March 21–25, 1965.

*FEATURED* Based on Hidden Figured directed by Theodore Melfi

Hidden Figures is a brilliant documentary about three African-American women, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, who helped the launch of John Glenn come to life. Without the help of these clever and intelligent women, who knows where we would have been left in the Space Race. Watch Hidden Figures to learn more about the hidden figures that brought astronaut dreams to life!

Based on Soul directed by Pete Docter

Joe Gardner is a band teacher for kids who just don’t share his passion for Jazz. Living in Manhattan can be tough, but when Joe trips and falls down an open manhole, his life takes a crazy turn. The Great Beyond and Great Before are wildly new places. Joe just wants to get back to his body but several things are in his way. He must become a mentor to the unborn soul, 22, find a way to escape a cat’s body and get back to Earth in time for his new gig. Along with some great music this movie has a new interpretation of why we are here and what everything means.

Based on Mississippi Burning directed by Alan Parker

Mississippi Burning shows the extremely scary but true colors of the deep south in 1964. Based on the murder of Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Chaney in Philadelphia, East Mississippi, this movie will leave you with a new perception on what African-Americans went through then. Please note this movie is rated R and most likely not suitable for children under 10.