Okja (special movie review interview with Anokhi Mehta)

Three out of five stars: ★★★☆☆

Warning: The movie deals with topics such as the animal industry, the film industry and animal cruelty. For those 15+ is such an important learning opportunity. Watch with caution if you are worried about graphic details.

What was this movie about? This movie takes place when the world is going through a famine, and humans need a way to feed themselves. As a result, they create a super pig which is supposed to feed everyone. They create nine of them and place them in various parts of the world to see who can become the biggest pig. The movie centers around one of the pigs, Okja. She is put in a poor farm in Korea with a girl and her grandfather. Okja wins the biggest pig contest and is abused because of it. The movie deals with topics such as the animal industry, the film industry and animal cruelty. For those 15+ is such an important learning opportunity. Watch with caution if you are worried about graphic details.

Who did you watch this movie with? I watched the first half with my mom and the whole thing with my dad and sister.

Who introduced you or told you about the movie? My friend’s dad told my dad who wanted our family to watch it.

What was your reaction during the movie? I was crying and completely shocked by the things portrayed in the movie.

What was your reaction after the movie? I was crying and mad at my dad for making me watch the movie. It was so horrific that I had to watch My Little Pony after the movie to get over it.

How/why did it convince you to go pescatarian? I did not want to contribute to industries that were portrayed in the movie. The movie portrayed them as terrifying in an extremely graphic way.

Would you recommend this movie? No, since I had such a scarring experience with the movie, I would not recommend it. However, if you really, really want to see it, I would recommend it to 9th graders and above. If you are sensitive to topics like animal abuse and rape, I would highly advise to avoid this movie.